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A monthly subscription crate for new parents and families with toddlers.
Present information in an approachable way, so busy (and tired!) caregivers will find it accessible.
Graphic designer for 12-page zine, product card set, DIY card set and packaging every month • Design system developer • Art director & photo stylist • Illustrator liaison • Crate juggler — produced 12 crates in 6 months to meet a demanding launch schedule
MONTHLY PACKOUT: 12-page zine, 4+ product cards, 4 DIY cards and crate topper
A monthly subscription crate for crafters and creatives of all abilities.
Craft a design that is more inspiration than instruction, since techniques are conveyed through full-length videos.
Graphic designer for 8-page zine, occasional product cards & DIYs plus packaging every month • Design system developer • Art director & photo stylist • On-demand crafter for photo samples (like this Sashiko lampshade)
MONTHLY PACKOUT: 8-page inspiration booklet and crate topper
A monthly subscription crate for new parents and families with toddlers. (Panda Crate precursor.)
Present information in an approachable way, so busy (and tired!) caregivers will find it accessible.
Graphic designer for 12-page zine, activity cards, DIY sheet and packaging every month • Art director & photo stylist • BFF of the editorial & product design teams — designed 24+ crates in 12 months to meet a demanding launch schedule
MONTHLY PACKOUT: 12-page zine, 2 activity cards, DIY activity sheet posted online for download
A monthly subscription crate for tween and teen crafters.
Set up young makers of all abilities for success with engaging — and intuitive — step-by-step design.
Graphic designer for 12-page zine, occasional product cards, labels and packaging every month • Design system developer • Art director & photo stylist • Editorial and illustrator liaison • Stand-in product designer for 4 months (really)
MONTHLY PACKOUT: 12+ page step-by-step instruction booklet
A subset of a monthly subscription crate to
transition families
from Panda Crate
to Koala Crate.
Launched in 2014, Koala Crate was originally conceived to serve youngsters about 4 years old. Most are not yet readers, but our activities and collateral are designed to still allow some level of active independence — with a grownup nearby.
In 2019, our product design team expanded the Koala Crate age band to include youngsters down to age 2. Based on the original design system that subscribers already knew well, I expanded it to appeal to “littler ones”.
Design system developer and editorial liaison for 12-page zine, product instructions, and packaging every month.
inspiration sheet/activity instructions
discover zine extends the learning themes within each crate
A monthly subscription crate for aspiring chefs and their grownups.
Build kids’ culinary confidence through recipes they will actually follow — and eat.
Graphic designer for recipe cards every month • Design system developer • Art director & photo stylist • Editorial collaborator • Wooden spoon wrangler
MONTHLY PACKOUT: 3 recipe cards, 12-page zine, 2 activity sheets and enclosing folder
Standalone developmental, play-based products for toddlers.
Enable our youngest customers — even non-readers — to access early STEM concepts.
Graphic designer for trifolds, bifolds, booklets and books • Design system developer • Art director & photo stylist • Editorial collaborator • Design trailblazer during the pandemic lockdown
Parent-focused instruction sheet
Parent-focused instruction sheet
Child-focused instructions feature larger illustrations and visual cues that non-readers can follow to know what the completed project will look like
Standalone products to spark creativity in kids with the holiday spirit.
Add seasonal flair to craft & science projects without diluting the brand fundamentals.
Graphic designer for bifolds and trifolds • Design system developer • Art director & photo stylist • Editorial and illustrator liaison • The one who could find real pumpkins for a photoshoot in April
Child-focused instructions establish a “First this… Then this…” structure, breaking the activity down into developmentally-appropriate bits for our young audience
Large illustrations make actions and options abundantly clear — even for youngsters who aren’t reading yet — fostering creative independence